Released in 1982, The Beastmaster came out in the wake of Conan the Barbarian. Despite this, it didn't get much praise during it's theatrical run. However, subsequent airings on cable TV granted the film a cult following that has grown over the years. (blog post) So in this tale of swords, sorcery, barbarism and boobs - there yet remains one ques
The Mean One Trailer Reaction - The (not) Grinch Horror
Coming in but a few days, a horror parody of the classic Grinch tale, called (blog post) the copyright-safe "The Mean One" horror movie will be upon us.Source: The Mean One Trailer Reaction - The (not) Grinch Horror - Decker Shado More Videos
Hellraiser Deader Movie Review
The seventh film in the Hellraiser franchise, which strangely due to odd distribution rights tends to get sold on it's own (while you can get a 4 pack of 4,5,6 and 8) Hellraiser Deader is the story about how someone tried (blog post) to make a semi interesting psychological horror film with elements of Lovecraft, sci-fi movie reviews only to have
Science Fiction Film Silliness
Amelie (2001)"This whimsical and charming French film featuring a girl who is trying to make a difference to the people near (blog post) her is a charming as well as uplifting to watch. Audrey Tautou puts on a stunning acting performance as the title (blog) character. The movie is full the heart and horror movie imagination.
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I can't WAIT to see more films and live Movie Reviews the full life.More filmsBarrel's BottomPretty in FictionMovie ProductionsWicked Witches, WarlocksA film for allFumetti and PulpTerrible comedies